By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager
This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Prayer.

“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” -Isaiah 58:10
On August 19th, people around the world will observe World Humanitarian Day. This day recognizes the service of humanitarian workers and their efforts to help the most vulnerable.
This year, World Humanitarian Day is especially meaningful as we continue to deal with the pandemic and its aftermath. Recently, the United Nations launched the #RealLifeHeroes campaign to recognize the humanitarians who “continue to save and protect lives despite conflict, insecurity, lack of access, and risks linked to COVID-19.” (1)
As we observe World Humanitarian Day and the “Real Life Heroes” who have helped fight COVID-19 around the globe, as well as address hunger insecurity, and continue to serve the most vulnerable, please pray for their health, strength, and safety.
Prayer for a World Where Hope Seems Dim (2)
Dear God, the world seems so dark and foreboding. Where are the signs of hope?
What are you calling us to do? Wars, uprisings, displacements, hunger, poverty, and disease
continue to claim victims by the millions around the world each year.
Our ears do not want to hear their stories,
and our eyes do not want to see their plight
because the suffering and destruction are so massive and cruel.
In our hearts and minds, there is a desire to help somehow,
but the crisis seems so overwhelming that we shake our heads
in dismay and we wonder what the point is for us even
to attempt to be witnesses for healing and hope in this hellish morass.
We beg with the songwriter to open our eyes
that we may see glimpses of truth, you have for us. Help us to follow the path of Jesus, the Suffering Servant.
Give us the courage to be willing to walk the path
of depression and pain with the victims of injustice
here at home as well as abroad.
Help us to seek ways to light candles of hope,
however small, through our words, our deeds,
and our prayers, to encourage our sisters and brothers
to hold onto the faith despite the pain and suffering they are facing.
And help those of us who are among the fortunate ones,
who have enough bread to eat, good health, and who live in relative peace,
to open our heart to learn from our sisters and brothers
who are living lives of grace and forgiveness
in the horrid circumstances which surround them.
God, help us to light one candle rather than to curse the darkness. We pray this in the name of Jesus,
who knows what being a light in this dark world is all about.