By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager
This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Community.

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” -Mark 16:15
In March 2021, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, launched the Hearts Afire Podcast.
The Hearts Afire Podcast featured ten bi-weekly episodes live-streamed on YouTube, then distributed on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Audible in its first season. The most-watched episode on YouTube of the first season was our Holy Week Discussion with guest Sister Dorothy Maxwell, OP. In contrast, our most downloaded episode of season one was our Hearts Afire Virtual Gala Preview with guest Kerrin Kissel, Director of Development of the Sisters of Saint Dominic.
Moving forward, season two of the Hearts Afire Podcast will kick off on Thursday, September 16th, and feature Sr. Maggie McDermott, OP. During the episode, Sr. Maggie will discuss her ministry at St. Nicholas of Tolentine and reflect on the importance of education.
To watch the live broadcast of Sr. Maggie’s episode, click here.
Please note that after the episode recording has concluded, an audio version of the Hearts Afire Podcast will be available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Audible, later in the day.
After Sr. Maggie’s episode, the next episode of the Hearts Afire Podcast will take place on September 29th and feature special guest Sr. Victoria Sloane, OP, who will discuss what 75 years of religious life means to her.
Along with Sr. Victoria’s episode, listeners of the Hearts Afire Podcast can look forward to the following episodes during the upcoming season.
▪“The Life of a Dominican Volunteer” featuring Andrea Meyer of Dominican Volunteers USA
▪“Why We Celebrate the Holy Rosary in October” featuring Sr. Rose Ellen Gorman, OP
▪“Caring for the Sick” featuring Sr. Noreen Walsh, OP
▪“The Importance of Kindness to Others” featuring Sr. Grace Augustine Canevari, OP
▪“What Gratitude Means To Me” featuring Sr. Margaret Flood, OP
▪“Looking Back on a life-long Ministry” featuring Sr. Liz Engel, OP
▪“Reflections on Advent, Christmas, 2021, and 2022” featuring Sr. BarbaraAnn Sgro, OP