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Why You Should Celebrate Mother's Day with Prayer

By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

Embracing Faith Through Inspiration

With everything going on in the world today, many people might have forgotten that Sunday, May 10th is Mother's Day.

Throughout this pandemic, mothers have felt a tremendous amount of pressure to do it all while keeping their families healthy, safe, together, and productive.

Along with their daily responsibilities, mothers have also had to take on the role of teacher, motivator, coach, entertainer, and caretaker, while working remotely or even facing economic hardship due to unemployment.

It is among these reasons and many more that on Mother’s Day, we let all mothers know how much we appreciate them with these three prayers.

A Mother's Love (1)

There are times when only a Mother's love

can understand our tears,

can soothe our disappoints

and calm all of our fears.

There are times when only a Mother's love

can share the joy we feel

when something we've dreamed about

quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a Mother's faith

can help us on life's way

and inspire in us the confidence

we need from day to day.

For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith

and a Mother's steadfast love

were fashioned by the angels

and sent from God above.

A Prayer for A Stressed Out Mom (2)

May you have clarity of thought

and a morsel of sanity today.

May you know that God's grace is enough.

For every season, every tantrum,

every question, every failure.

It is enough. Always.

May you know that you are

wildly loved by God, just as you are.

Not because of what you

accomplished today, or didn't.

Or how you feel about God at this moment,

or whether you complained,

or spent time reading your bible,

or messed up in the worst way,

or celebrated a victory.

God adores you, just because.

And with of this knowledge,

may you feel empowered to love

your children the same way.

The way God asks you to,

the way your kids deserve,

and the way you want to.

May you feel equipped to tackle

every challenge, every situation,

and every day with courage

and joy even if you have

to "start over" 10 times by 9 a.m.

May excitement fill your heart

every morning for all that the day can be.

Your children are your treasure,

and this day is a gift –

may you fully embrace it all.

May you lay your head down

at night with a heart that is bursting

and memories too plentiful to count.

May you know unspeakable

joy at the end of the day.

A Prayer for Mother's Day (3)

On this special day set aside

to honor mothers, we ask for a

special touch from God

for each and every one of them.

May all mothers in this room

be granted a special blessing,

and may all of the work of her hands

not be forgotten in God’s sight.

Let her example to her children

be a guiding force in their lives,

and may wisdom be passed down

to the next generation of mothers.



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