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Celebrate Black History Month with Prayer

By Katie Beckmann, Communications Manager

During February, Black History Month is observed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Ireland.

Many choose to observe Black History Month by organizing and attending events in their local communities, raising awareness on social media, as well as reflecting on the history of African Americans and honoring those who have made efforts to address racial injustice.

Throughout the rest of the February, take time to reflect and observe Black History Month with prayer.

A Prayer of Empowerment (1)

Most Loving and Merciful God,

in whose law we find our guidance,

in whose Love we find our healing and joy,

and in whose will we find our peace,

rule over our spirits in this hour

that we will go from this worship

with the freedom of those who trust you

and need have no anxiety for themselves.

Empower us, O God to be open

to the seasons of life and give of our hearts

Love generously to all in need.

Grant us the silence of heart so that we can grow in your word.

As we go through this worship today

and culminate what we call "Black History Month",

help us to never forget our history and instill in us

the willingness to share our history with our youth

and others throughout the year.

Now God, fill us with the solemnity

of the faith of the great commission;

but also provide us with the means

and the will to stay in Loving and Joyous

relationships with one another and the world.

We ask a special blessing for all who will bring

the message by sharing historical reflections.

God, we praise and adore you and

we thank you for the joy we have in

worshiping you in spirit and in truth.

In your name we pray,


- Author Unknown

I Dream a World (1)

I dream a world where man, no other man will scorn, where love will bless the earth and peace its paths adorn. I dream a world where all will know sweet freedom's way, where greed no longer saps the soul nor avarice blights our day. A world I dream where black or white, whatever race you be, will share the bounties of the earth and every man is free, where wretchedness will hang its head and joy, like a pearl, attends the needs of all mankind- Of such I dream, my world! - Langston Hughes


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