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In Memoriam - Sister Rita Marie Pino, OP

Sister Rita Marie Pino, formerly Theresa K. Pino, a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, for the past 70 years died on Friday, December 2, 2011 in St. Martin de Porres Infirmary. Sister was 94 years old.

Sister Rita Marie Pino, OP

Sr. Rita Marie was born to Francisco Pino and Margaret Scanlon on September 22, 1917 in New York City. She entered the Sisters of St. Dominic on September 8, 1941 from Annunciation Parish, New York City. She received the Dominican habit on July 3, 1942, professed her first vows on August 24, 1943, and her final vows on August 27, 1946.

Sr. Rita Marie held the B.S. in Education from Fordham University, Bronx, New York, and her many years of active ministry were devoted to the education of youth at the elementary level. Sister taught in St. Dominic's School, Blauvelt, New York, 1943-1960; Our Savior's School, Bronx, NY 1960-1967; St. Anthony's School, Oceanside, Long Island, 1967-1972; Holy Spirit School, 1972-1977, and St. Nicholas of Tolentine, 1977-1993 both in the Bronx. From 1993 until 2001 Sister resided in St. Nicholas of Tolentine Convent Bronx NY. Due to failing health, Sister Rita Marie retired to the St. Martin de Porres Infirmary in 2001 where she continued her ministry of prayer.

In addition to her religious congregation, Sr. Rita Marie is survived by her niece Jean Thornley. Sister was predeceased by her sisters Jean R. Thornley, Rita McDonald and Mary Pomodor as well as her brothers Father Joseph Pino, O.P. and Francis Jr.


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