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Embracing Faith Through Reflection: Honoring the Feast Day of St. Mary Magdalene

By Maria Bohan, Interim Communications Manager

This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Reflection.

Embracing Faith Through Reflection

This Friday, July 22, 2022, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Mary Magdalene. But did you know that until recently, St. Mary Magdalene did not receive so high an honor?

In 2016, Pope Francis elevated the day honoring St. Mary Magdalene from one of obligatory memory to a feast day.

Now, St. Mary Magdalene receives the same level of celebration as Jesus’ apostles.

St. Mary Magdalene had two important roles that merit her this honor. She was the first person to witness Jesus’ empty tomb and resurrection. She was also the first person to deliver news of the miraculous event:

“. . . and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles, but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them.” (Luke 24:9–11)

Because St. Mary Magdalene announced Jesus’ resurrection to the apostles, she is referred to as the “apostle of the apostles.”

Although the apostles did not believe St. Mary Magdalene and the other witnesses at first, eventually, they realized they were telling the truth.

As we honor St. Mary Magdalene on her feast day, reflect on the following questions:

  • Who in our society is not being heard, and what can you do to amplify their voices?

  • How can you share the word of God in your life?

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