October 17, 2018
Dear First Responders and Friends,
On behalf of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, I would like to extend our gratitude to you and your colleagues. Our Sisters and Associates pray daily for you and your dear families, that you will be safe from harm. You have been very helpful to us in many ways, and we are most appreciative.
I would like to formally invite you to the Sisters of Saint Dominic’s 2nd Annual First Responders Mass on Saturday, November 10, 2018, at 5:00 PM in the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary at St. Dominic Convent, located at 496 Western Highway, Blauvelt, New York, 10913.
Please join us in prayer as we ask God to bless every one of our heroic first responders. After Mass, light refreshments will be served.
All are welcome to attend – your family, friends, and neighbors. We encourage people of all faiths to attend and pray with and for our first responders.
A response is necessary by November 2, 2018. To RSVP, please contact Katie Beckmann, Communications Manager of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, at kbeckmann@opblauvelt.org or 845-359-7327.
God loves you, and so do we. I’ve heard it said, “Without God, we can’t. Without us, God won’t.” The Sisters of Saint Dominic continue to be most grateful for the many ways you serve our communities.
Prayerfully in Saint Dominic,
Sister Loretta Lynch, O.P.
Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York
