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What Does Lent Mean To You?

As this Lenten season begins, we asked five of our Blauvelt Dominican Sisters, “What does Lent mean to you?”

"Lent is a time for new beginnings, a time to reflect on how I am living out my baptismal call. It calls me  to  pray more deeply and  to fast from those practices and habits that can make me a less loving person. Lent challenges me to give  alms ,the alms of my time, talent and treasure in service to others." -Sister Michaela Connolly, OP

"Lent is traditionally described as fasting 40 days in commemoration of the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert before beginning his public ministry. During this time he endured temptation by Satan. How much more should we be on our guard at all times? He came to pay a debt he didn’t owe because we owe a debt that we cannot pay, but we try." -Sister Loretta Lynch, OP

"Lent is a time of 40 days of thinking of the Lord’s preparation; it’s a time of prayer, sacrifice, and good works." -Sister Theresa Lynch, OP

"With Spring weather, a Lent not starting until March, and St. Patrick's decorations all over the Motherhouse, it 's hard to get into the Lenten mode.  But with the events of the past few months, maybe I have been praying more and observing the Spirit of Lent already. My spirit of living from a Resurrection theology usually has the suffering of Jesus in the background. The post-Resurrection Jesus lifts me and centers me as I attempt to be a joyful Dominican, as Dominic was. Bringing hope to those who desperately seek it, and listening with a compassionate heart is like a dance performed to honor Lent and the joyful season of Easter." -Sister Dorothy Maxwell, OP

"Lent is a new beginning and the ashes that are put on our forehead will either blow away tomorrow or be washed off, which signifies that Jesus will get rid of our sins as he has promised. It’s a time to reflect on our failings as regards to other people and how we treat them, how we renew our commitment to the Earth and all, living things." -Sister Bridget Mary Troy, OP


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