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Scripture Reflection - September 15, 2024

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

 Isaiah 50:5-9a - James 2:14-18    - Mark 8:27-35

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

Today's first reading begins with, "The Lord God opens my ear that I may hear." How appropriate for this moment in time. We, as a nation are so in need of ears that hear. Our choices now are of utmost importance for ourselves as well as future generations. We must choose with a heart for good. 


In today's second reading, we are reminded that if our faith does not manifest in our actions, then it is dead and worthless. We can speak our faith all we want, but if it doesn't lead to acts of charity, kindness, and love, then we have missed the point. Value is infused into our faith by way of deed. Do I talk the talk or walk the walk?


In Mark's gospel, three things stand out to me. Jesus asks the question, "But who do you say that I am?". Jesus also instructs, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me…". And thirdly, Jesus rebukes Peter, saying, "Get behind me Satan…".


One of the beauties of scripture is its universality and its ability to touch the reader in a personal and intimate way. The message I glean from today's readings may be in contrast to the message you hear. Or, maybe not, but once the Holy Spirit touches the heart of the reader, the outcome becomes an intimate joining of spirit and flesh. 


So, I ask myself, who do I say Jesus is in my life? Do my words and actions support that? Or do I pay Jesus lip service? How do I deny myself? Maybe I don't. Am I willing to take up my cross, whatever that might be, and follow him? And, lastly, where is Satan? Evil is a real thing. Do I have the ear to hear and the eye to see Satan? I pray that I do. How else can I make good decisions? 


Today's readings are replete with food for thought. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will touch each of our hearts and bless our choices in all things. Amen.


Peggy Roach, Associate


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