2 Kings 5:14-17 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Gospel of Luke 17-11-19

Is there a correlation between divine mercy and human gratitude? In Sacred Scripture, we meet men marked by the stigma of leprosy. Healing comes, in part, by a yearning to be clean. Elisha the prophet heals Naaman, a proud military commander. Clear and confident in the power of Yahweh - Naaman rejects idols.
His personal experience leads to his belief in the One True God.
Jesus of Nazareth comes upon ten lepers. Clean skin will bring them back into society. Nine perceive mercy as a right, while one returns to voice gratitude. The humble one responds to Jesus' sadness, suffered on behalf of his Heavenly Father. In gratitude is a thorn within the waiting Crown of Thorns.
Paul speaks consolation to Timothy. His advice: show mercy for the sake of the Risen Christ in the face of in gratitude. The mission of the disciple must prevail despite hardships. Our preaching invites the presence of the Holy Spirit. Baptism enfolds the new believer into the Bride of Christ. Timothy preserved because Paul lived his words, to the very end.
Risen Lord,
Despite our personal hardships, help us to extend mercy to all. Fill our minds with gratitude for your endless mercy.
Joanne Roda, Associate