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Scripture Reflection - October 2, 2022

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Stir into flame the gift of God that you have.” - 2 Timothy 1:6

The scripture reading for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time, call us to a faithful living of the Christian Life.

In the first reading, the Prophet Habakkuk reminds us of the importance of vision in our lives. Vision presses us on to the fulfillment of our deeper desires and will not disappoint. The words of the scripture provide us with a guide for how we are to live; the just person, because of faith, shall live a full life.

We are reminded of the importance of this faith in our daily living. God is with us and strengthens us as we strive to do our duty. If our faith is only the size of a mustard seed, we are able to do great things, always assisted by God’s grace.

In St. Paul’s letter to Timothy, we are called to an enthusiastic following of divine inspiration. We are challenged to stir into flame the gift of God that we have been given. We are reminded that we have not been filled with a spirit of cowardice but rather one of power, love, and self-control. We are encouraged to move forward with confidence, leaving behind any trace of crippling fear. It is not always easy to walk the path of the Gospel but we can be strengthened through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to do this.

We ask God’s blessing as we strive to follow His inspiration seeking to take the next steps filled with love for the divine and concern for one another. We pray to be enthusiastic in our relationships with another, always confident that genuine concern will bear good fruit. May our lives burn as a flame providing light and guidance for others, now and always. Amen.

Sr. Mary Eileen O’Brien, OP


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