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Scripture Reflection - October 16, 2016

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 17:8-13                       2 Tim 3:14-4:2              Luke 18:1-8

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

It is mid-October, and the Sunday readings bring the reminder of end times.

Were it not for the courage of Joshua and his men and the help of Aaron and Hur, who held up Moses’ arms, Israel would have experienced an end time.  It was Joshua and Moses who became the famous people in the battle, but as always it was a group of committed individuals who made what was seemingly impossible possible. All done with the staff of God in one hand.

The response brings the creator God into the forefront:  Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  Each line in Psalm 121 brings to our attention the ever present God who may have gotten way into the background of our everyday lives.

In the reading from Paul, he stirs into a flame a command: “proclaim the word of God; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching.”  Get out of the pews and get to work.  Rouse the power of Baptism and Confirmation and bring it into the home, workplace, community.  Come back next Sunday and get recharged by worshipping with like-minded people who celebrate Eucharist and continue the work of Jesus.

A best seller, A Man Called Ove, written by Fredrik Backman, is the story of one who exemplifies persistence.  His entire life is predictable, and his fidelity to thoughts and customs are more important than people.  In a way, he is like the judge in today’s gospel, but it was a woman who changed the judge and women who changed Ove.  Both men only wanted peace and quiet and are that not true of so many. 

The life of Jesus was not one of peace and quiet; it was one of action where what was wrong in the world had to be righted.  So it is our call to continue that work, and it can only be done in communion with others.

Prayer:  Make me a channel of your peace by my actions that help those in need of peace and quiet in their lives.

Sister Dorothy Maxwell, O.P. 


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