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Scripture Reflection - November 19, 2017

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

As we approach the end of the Church Year, we are called by Matthew’s Gospel to look at ourselves and our talents – the natural, spiritual, academic, and theological gifts we have received from our God. It is time once again to examine how we use these gifts. If we have buried a talent (as the servant in today’s Gospel did) NOW IS THE TIME to dig it up so we may hear: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

In our lives, when we get ready to go somewhere special, don’t we ask about traditions, directions and what to expect? So too, our God’s judgment will be based on the service we render to God and one another. Is this not what happened in today’s Gospel reading? We are called to use our talents well, just as the servants and their use of coins. If we do this, then we are promised that we will be rewarded. God has entrusted us with this responsibility. How are we living up to this responsibility?

We have been asked to be active, not passive, participants as we await the coming of God’s reign. We know that through prayer and discernment we share God’s grace which allows us to share in the work of service. We serve our God and others in many ways each day. We are called to put our talents to good use. Some of us are lazy and afraid of everything like the third servant in the Gospel reading for today. Jesus, in the Gospels, calls and encourages us to use our talents for healing, helping others to see, sharing our wealth, being responsible with our gifts and talents, creating harmony in our homes, and worshipping reverently. This, similar to an examination of conscience, then calls each of us to ask ourselves:

How am I using the talents that God has given me?

Am I vigilant and ready at any time for the coming of my God?

Sister Barbara Werner, O.P.


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