Trinity Sunday
Deuteronomy 4:32-34,39-40
Romans 8: 14-17; Matthew 28: 16-20

Isn’t it wonderful to be able to look forward to some events in our lives, perhaps awaiting the birth of a baby in our family? Or when a close friend or relative is planning their wedding? The anticipation of moving into a new home or the keeping to a diet and finally fitting into those clothes we really liked? We live in the hope and anticipation of accomplishing a goal, achieving an intended outcome, joining with friends or family to celebrate life.
Anticipation is defined as excitement, waiting eagerly for something you know is going to happen. Scientific experiments show that most people anticipate positive events, as opposed to future negative events. We all need something to look forward to in life. In fact, a healthy sense of “anticipation” can often help energize our lives. A healthy amount of “anticipation” can be a very powerful emotion that has the potential to improve our lives.
Two weeks ago, in our reflection on Oneness, we were reminded that God loves you and me and every molecule of creation with an everlasting love.
Our Pentecost Sunday reflection recalled the Spirit empowering the disciples to think and act in new ways, “to renew the face of the earth.”
Today, our Sunday readings, filled with hope, assure us that we may have a long life on the land, that God will preserve us in spite of famine, that we are all children and heirs of God who are empowered to love each other and all of creation.
Today, empowered and filled with the Spirit, we are called to create, nourish and thrive within community. We are called to depend on each other, to support each other, to affirm each other’s gifts and build a city of God together.
Let us pray with positive anticipation for our Christian community and for our personal circle. May we strengthen the bonds that tie us together in faith and love.
Sr. Ellenrita Purcaro, OP