Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
Mark 11:1-10 - Isaiah 50:4-7 - Philippians 2:6-11 - John 14:1-15, 47

As we are about to begin Holy Week 2024, let us remember that today we are commemorating the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem with, as we might say, much fanfare and adulation.
Up until now Jesus went about his ministry in a personal private way, even asking some of those he healed not to spread the word to others. But now he recognized his ministry reached a tipping point and it was time for public recognition of who he was.
Thus, the triumphant entry into Jerusalem amidst clamoring crowds, waving of palms and shouts of Hosanna! Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is one who comes in the name of the Lord. So significant was this display, it is referred to in the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and John.
Our Triduum Retreat will incorporate a variety of opportunities for us to draw closer to Jesus.The images, the rituals, the reading of the Passion, a Sedar meal, Stations of the Cross, Taize prayer. All culminating in Easter Mass. From Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, we are invited into a deeper relationship with our God.
Today, Palm Sunday, let us place ourselves in the crowds calling out Hosanna to Jesus, welcoming him into our hearts and embracing him in our lives.
We invite you to prepare for this Holy Week by listening to the gentle instrumental music of the Fairy Ring. Click here for instrumental music.
Sr. Ellenrita Purcaro, OP