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Scripture Reflection - July 17, 2016

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time  Genesis 18:1-10a; Colossians 1:24-28; Luke 10: 38-42

“He who does justice will live in he presence of the Lord.”   Ps.15

In reflecting on the readings of this Sunday, I found myself, once again, asking this question: Where and when do I experience the Presence of God?

Did Abraham recognize the visitors as Divine Messengers, or did his sense of hospitality move him to act? It would seem that he was prepared to welcome the stranger, as a result of his constant openness to God’s movement in his life. Sarah, too, trusting in Abraham’s witness, obeyed his directives and contributed to his service.

St. Paul speaks of his suffering for the Colossians of his time, as a result of his acceptance of Jesus as his Savior.  Paul proclaimed Jesus through his stewardship of the Gospel, doing all in God’s Name, acknowledging that in accepting Jesus into our lives, we can be more welcoming and hospitable to others, even strangers.

In the Gospel, Luke tells of Martha’s hospitality in her service to Jesus “anxious and worried about many things”. She becomes irritated that Mary  is not helping her, and Jesus reminds Martha of the need to be still and to share and to be in His Presence. 

I know that in my daily life, I oftentimes can let the moment of recognizing the  Presence of God pass me by, either because of my “busyness” or distractions of the day. In ministering to others and in responding to their needs, I need to continue to focus on God’s Presence with me, and the need to truly allow myself to recognize God’s Presence, not just in the Eucharist, but in those who enter my life, open to welcoming all who cross my path each day. Help me, Jesus, to find the time to sit at Your Feet and to embrace your Presence every day of my life.   Amen

Sr. Mary Doris, OP

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