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Scripture Reflection - August 15, 2021

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Luke 1:39-56

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

“My spirit proclaims the greatness of God, who clothes me in a mantle of joy. God looked upon me and set my heart free, a blessing forever I’ll be.”

These are the words of the Magnificat set to music by our talented Sister Diane Forrest. Many times it is sung at wakes and various occasions at the Motherhouse in Blauvelt.

I have taken this refrain to mind and heart as it uplifts my drooping spirit at times. The image of being clothed in a mantle of joy may have been our Blessed Mother’s reaction as she became more aware of the baby becoming human in her womb. This fetus placed there by God would need special attention, and self- care would be critical in this stage of formation, let alone the need for a loving environment as the child grew in wisdom and in age.

God looked upon Mary and set her heart free. Free and willing to accept the joys and sorrows of motherhood, but while singing these words and taking them to our free hearts, we might personalize the thought. God has made us, just as Mary was created. We have been looked upon, and if we truly believe all that is said and read of Jesus, we have every reason to be people of joy. Beyond that we can be a blessing forever because of the good works we do, the difficult YESES we say in accepting invitations to continue the work of our creator God will live on long after our life here on earth, just as Mary and Jesus continue to affect this world centuries after their human existence.

Perhaps this Magnificat whether said or sung can be our inspiration to live in the now while hoping to leave blessings that last forever.

Sr. Dorothy Maxwell, OP


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