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Scripture Reflection - April 30, 2023

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 2:14A,36-40 | Psalm 23; 1 | Peter 2: 20B-25 | John 10:1-10

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

In today’s world and especially here in the United States, very few of us are “shepherds” in the literal sense of the word. Yet in today’s readings all focus is on the shepherd, the sheep and how to act.

We can learn from Jesus who is the Divine Shepherd. He was willing to sacrifice everything for us, his sheep. As part of His suffering and rejection, He showed His care for us. This should empower us, console us, and help us to know Jesus’ love for us. We can each learn – as a friend, a sibling, a parent to never shy away in the face of temptation, sacrifice or suffering.

As the Good Shepherd Jesus offers unswerving love and support to us, we can return this to others with whom we come in contact. Jesus, as our Good Shepherd, shows us that there is no limit to God’s love for us. A shepherd does not discriminate when taking care of his flock. All are tended and cared for by him. Jesus, our shepherd, knows us each by name.

So, today, as we ponder these readings, let us attempt to imitate Jesus by not discriminating and by loving each other as He does.

Let Us Pray: O God, enable me to show care and concern for all I meet today. Help me to go through the gate that leads me to You. Amen.

Sr. Barbara Werner, OP


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