Sister Mary Theresa McGurk, O.P., formerly Sr. Edwardine, a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic, Blauvelt, N.Y., for the past 68 years, died on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at Saint John's Hospital, Yonkers, NY.

Sister Mary Theresa was born to Joseph McGurk and Bridget Smith on June 1, 1926, in New York City. She entered the Sisters of St. Dominic, Blauvelt, N.Y. on September 8, 1944, from St. Joan of Arc Parish, Jackson Heights, N.Y. Sister received the Dominican habit on July 5, 1945, professed her first vows on July 6, 1946, and her final vows on July 6, 1949.
Sr. Mary Theresa held the B.S. and M.S. in Education from Fordham University. Sister's many years of active ministry were devoted to the education of youth. She taught in the following schools: St. Benedict's, Bronx, 1948-1951; Astor Memorial, Rhinebeck, 1951-1952; St. Luke's, Bronx, 1952-1957; St. Peter's, Liberty, N.Y. 1957-1961, St. Mary's, Bronx, 1961-1967; Immaculate Conception, Amenia, N.Y., 1967-1969, and St, Joseph's, Millbrook, N.Y., 1969-1974, as teacher and principal. Sister ministered at St. Dominic's Home as Personnel Director, 1974-1976 and served the Congregation in the following areas: Administrator of the Sisters' Infirmary, 1976-1978; Sacristan, 1978-1980; Communications Office, 1986-1987; Assistant Coordinator of the Health Office, 1987-1996; Coordinator of the Health Office, 1996-2001, and Receptionist/Switchboard. 2001. Sister performed Secretarial Services at Dominican College 1980-1986. ​ In addition to her religious congregation, Sr. Mary Theresa is survived by her brother, Joseph (Catherine) McGurk of Pearl River, N.Y.; nephew John; nieces, Jean, Mary Beth, and Barbara (Steven) Silverman; grand aunt of Carolyn, Danielle and Austin Silverman; godmother to Cleola Piderit.