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Embracing Faith Through Reflection: 5 Ways to Make the Most of Lent

By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Reflection.

Embracing Faith Through Reflection

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that God may lift you up in due time.” -1 Peter 5:6

On Wednesday, February 26th, Christians around the world will observe Ash Wednesday, the official beginning of Lent.

During the 40 days of Lent, Christians will prepare for the Easter season, while deepening their spiritual lives through sacrifice, prayer, and reflection.

While many will sacrifice daily pleasures such as junk food, coffee, social media, and video games, others will choose to focus on mindfulness and strengthening their faith and relationship with God.

Regardless of how you choose to observe the Lenten season, make it a point to challenge yourself and make the most of Lent in these five ways.

1. Commit to 40 Days of Positivity: Eliminating negative behaviors such as complaining, nagging, criticizing, and gossiping is tough but possible to do.

2. Read Scriptures and the Gospel: Making the extra effort to familiarize yourself with the readings before Mass will help you experience and understand the service on a deeper level.

3. Volunteer More: Even if you are only able to commit to one day or evening per week to volunteering, that time will help make a positive difference in your life, as well as those whom you are impacting.

4. Attend Daily Mass: Churches often offer daily Mass a few times per day.

5. Reflect More: Whether it’s reading daily messages and reflecting on them afterward, or keeping a journal to detail your Lenten journey; doing so will only strengthen your faith and appreciation for the season of Lent, as well as Easter.

How will you make the most of Lent this year? Comment below and let us know.

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