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Embracing Faith Through Reflection: Dominican Month for Peace

By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Reflection.

Embracing Faith Through Reflection

On Sunday, the Advent season officially began.

While some may use this time to prepare for Christmas, make New Year’s Resolutions, or pray, the Advent season is also a time for reflection and focusing on giving back to those who are less fortunate.

During the Advent season and entire month of December, Dominican congregations throughout the world will observe the Dominican Month for Peace.

In past years, Dominicans have observed the Dominican Month for Peace by showing their solidarity and praying for the people of Colombia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. (1)

This year, they will join together in prayer for the people of India.

Dominican congregations have had a long history in India that is almost as old as the Order itself.

In 1291, Nicholas of Pistoia, a spirited Dominican from the Roman Province, preached the gospel in Mylapore, Tamil Nadu, for over a year. Currently, there are currently 159 friars, 452 sisters, five nuns, 143 Lay Dominicans, and 109 Dominican Youth in India. (1)

As we reflect on the people of India during the Dominican Month of Peace, let us pray:

Today we hear from the Letter to the Romans,

You know the time; it is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. (Rom 13: 11)

Let us awake during this Dominican Month of Peace

for the plight of the people of India,

that our voices across the world may unite us

in solidarity for the dignity of the women, children,

and tribal people of India. (1)


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