By Katie Beckmann, Communications Manager
This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Inspiration.

On June 4th, Sister Anne Daniel Young, OP was recognized by the Catholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess County (CCCSDC) at the fourth annual Spirit of Service Awards Dinner.

At the dinner, Sister Anne Daniel was presented with the Humanitarian Award, which is presented annually to an outstanding leader with a commitment to humanitarian causes who strives to improve the quality of life of people across all economic and social lines through dedication and compassion. (1)
Sister Anne Daniel spent many years ministering in Dutchess County as a teacher and principal at St. Columba School in Hopewell Junction. She also ministered as a RN at St. Dominic’s Family Services, the Congregational Leadership Team and currently at the Motherhouse in Pastoral Care.
In front of a crowd which included many of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, members and supporters of the CCCSDC, Sister Anne Daniel shared inspiring words in her acceptance speech.

“It is an honor for me to accept this humanitarian award in the name of my Congregation, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt. I have been so blessed and inspired by all the people who have been a part of the fabric of my life and it is to them that this award finds voice. I spent more than half my life in Hopewell, all of it with children, and those 42 years afforded me memories that continue to live on. Without a doubt, the children who passed through the halls of our Catholic schools are among the treasures teachers have brought to God because children are the living messages we send to a time we may not see.
As we move through life we know that each of our choices and decisions bring consequences, and each of our actions, thoughts, and words, ripple through the lives of others in significant and remarkable ways. Each one of us, if we are really true to our better selves would hope that the world will be enriched, at least, in some small way, because of our personal albeit fragile humanity and our response to the God who calls us to seek justice and compassion. Certainly this is at the heart of Catholic Charities. It is written that the purpose of this organization is a local and global work to create hope, to empower the forgotten, the marginalized, the sick, the weak and the voiceless, and it is done in so many beautiful ways. Our challenges are found in the sacred space where our gratitude and the world’s deep hungers meet. An organization such as Catholic Charities realizes that we must never underestimate the power of the individual or the potential of the collective to make a difference - to meet the world’s need with love and compassion, the outreach of God’s care for humankind, through us.
Those who give their lives to Catholic Charities and those who support their efforts strive valiantly to be life-giving, open and concerned about the needs of those with whom they share their days and for those whom they will never meet. This reminds me of the movie, popular many years ago, "Pay it Forward." The basic premise of the film was, rather than be rewarded for a good deed or a significantly positive act, we should just encourage one another to keep the goodness flowing; do something for someone else, something that will enrich a little corner of the world with the healing touch of our God.”