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Scripture Reflection - October 27, 2024

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jeremiah 32:7-9        Psalm 126:1-6        Hebrew 5:1-6        Mark 10:46-52

Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York Scripture Reflection

When reflecting on today's readings, the words tears and joy came to my mind. When we pray the Hail, Holy Queen, we ask Mary's help in delivering us from "this vale of tears." We count on her intercession with her Son. Today's first reading from Jeremiah, promises deliverance to God's people, a reminder that having departed from their lands in tears, they will be consoled and guided by God, their loving and caring Father.

This theme of consolation continues in Psalm 126: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. Hebrews reminds us of God's patience and kindness.

I think that Bartimaeus shed many tears in his life. Not only was he deprived of seeing the beauties of God's creation, he was deprived of the interaction with others who could share life on another level that was not possible to him. He could not say simple things to his friends things like: What a lovely day it is, or Isn't that child's smile beautiful, or Did you ever see such a glorious flower? Despite lacking physical sight, however, Bartimaeus must have had an inner sight. He must have heard about this itinerant preacher, who cured many. Having nothing to lose, Bartimaeus cried out: Son of David, have pity on me. Asking that he might see, he was rewarded for his faith. Helen Keller once said that the first face she would see was God's. Bartimaeus received the same gift. He saw Jesus. I think he cried again, but this time tears of joy.

We say that God is good, but we only know part of that goodness. There is more to come. God loves us more that we could ever imagine. He knows us by name. He knows all parts of us, good and not so good, but God's love is not dependent on us. He just loves us. When at nightfall weeping enters in, we remember that with the dawn comes rejoicing and joy.

Loving God, give us eyes to see You, hearts to love You and the will to serve You. Help us see and love others as You see and love them.



Sr. Monica Paul Fraser, OP


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