Wis.11:22-12:2 Psalm 145 2Thess.1:11-2:2 Luke 19:1-10

The Bible is a love story, a story of God’s love for us, collectively and individually. Every page, both the Hebrew and the Christian Scriptures, tells us God loves us. The Bible tells us that God wants to have a relationship with us, that God will be by our side each day if we let God. Today’s readings and psalm repeat that truth and tell us of God’s mercy. I was preparing a presentation on forgiveness a few weeks back, and I concluded that while God is Love, God has a middle name and that name is Mercy.
The Book of Wisdom reminds us of the fact that we have been created by a loving God and that God has mercy on us and will overlook our sins when we repent. Psalm 145 admonishes us to praise God, to thank God, and to remember God’s great mercy. Paul asks us to remain faithful to our calling by God so that God may be glorified in us. As Catholic Christians, all the graces we need to be faithful to our calling have been gifted to us through the Church, in the Sacraments.
We could be Zacchaeus. We have heard about Jesus and have done whatever was needed to see Him. He has come into our house, prompted us to repent, and promised us a place in God’s kingdom. Surely this is a God of love and mercy.
There is a short prayer which I like very much: Dear God, please help me to love You more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. May we continue to grow in our awareness of God’s great love, of God’s ever-present mercy. May we show that love to all we meet.
Sister Monica Paul Fraser, OP