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Embracing Faith Through Inspiration: National Teachers Appreciation Week

By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

This week’s “Embracing Faith” article will focus on Embracing Faith through Inspiration.

Embracing Faith Through Inspiration

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,

as good stewards of God’s varied grace…” -1 Peter 4:10-11

Throughout the past two months, teachers around the world have had to transform their lessons and methods to connect with students through remote learning.

These changes have also come with struggles faced by teachers, students, and their families.

Whether it was the lack of preparation time, not being able to understand or complete assignments, staying focused, or not having reliable internet, this transition period has not been comfortable.

With each passing day of remote learning, the inspiring efforts made by teachers to connect with students has been recognized on a much broader scale.

For far too long, many of us have taken teachers for granted, and that is why we should celebrate them during National Teachers Appreciation Week.

Amid National Teachers Appreciation Week is National Teachers Day.

This annual observance, which falls on today, May 5th, is a day where we should all make it a point to tell teachers how much they inspire us and have changed the lives of their students.

Regardless of how you choose to recognize them, it is important to honor those who are teaching during this pandemic.

Even with the physical school year coming to an end, teachers around the world have still been able to continue educating students through virtual classrooms and remote lessons, and they should know how much of an inspiration they are to us.


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