In this time of pain and promise, of confusion and complexity, we call on you, Spirit Sophia, to guide us and to guide the people of our country as we elect our president and our civic leaders at all levels: national, state and local.
We thank you for the freedom we have to live in this democracy, even with its failures, injustices and limitations. We pray not to take this freedom for granted.
We ask for eyes that are free from blindness so that we might see each other as sisters and brothers, unified in our care for one another and our earth, your generous gift.
We ask for insight to discern well as we make our choices, recognizing those persons who will act with justice, lift up those who have little of the earth’s resources, and who will serve the common good.
We ask you to strengthen our trust in you and your unconditional care for us even when the forces we encounter seem so negative.
We call on you, Spirit Sophia, to reveal the way forward that is faithful to God’s dream for us and our world.
May we faithfully continue to live the questions of our time and witness that we are women at home with mystery and filled with hope for our shared future.
In You we trust. Amen.
Chris Koelhoffer, IHM