By Katie Beckmann, Communications Manager
Sisters, associates, supporters, family, friends, and others gathered together on Sunday, April 28th at the View of the Hudson in Piermont, New York for the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt’s 19th Annual Hearts Afire Gala.
This annual event benefits the ministries and members of the Congregation and honors individuals whose lives have demonstrated a spirit of faith and deep caring for others with the Mary Ann Sammon Award for Compassion and Service.

The 2019 Gala Honorees were Anthony and Marian D’Ambrosio, Janet and Lane Jorgensen, and Ruth Young (posthumously).

Anthony and Marian D’Ambrosio of D’Ambrosio Ecclesiastical Art Studio, Inc., have completed over 800 renovations and restorations of religious buildings and properties since 1925. Recently, they completed the restoration of the Holy Rosary Chapel in the original Motherhouse, as well as the statue of Saint Dominic and front steps of the Motherhouse. Also, the D’Ambrosio’s completed the refurbishing of two murals saved from the Holy Rosary Chapel before its demolition in 2013.
Janet and Lane Jorgensen have a long history with the Congregation as Janet served on the first-ever Gala Committee while Lane is a member of the Investment Advisory Committee.

The late Ruth Young was a student, friend, and benefactor of the Congregation, as well as the sister of current Blauvelt Dominican Sister Anne Daniel Young, OP.
“It is with deep gratitude that we recognize these deserving honorees with the Mother Mary Ann Sammon Award for Compassion and Service,” said Sister Michaela Connolly, OP.
The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York would also like to recognize the 2019 Hearts Afire Gala sponsors.
· Gala Sponsor – Teresa Radzinski/US Trust
· Award Sponsor – The Lai Family
· Floral Sponsors – A Blauvelt Dominican Fan, Kathleen and Christopher Moroney, Pavarini Northeast Construction Co., Techno Acoustics Holding
· Table Sponsors – Berard & Associates, Edward McEneany, Prescription Center
· Wine Pull Sponsors – Manhattan Beer Distributors, Simone International
To learn more about the annual Hearts Afire Gala event, please contact Kerrin Kissel, Director of Development, at 845-359-5767 or
2019 Hearts Afire Gala at the View on the Hudson in Piermont, New York